Saturday, 16 August 2008

A sign at the Shenzhen Exhibition

I was intrigued by the many silicone baking ware and kitchen utensils on display. How do you overcome the "floppiness" of silicone baking pans?


MB said...

Good question, answer is; "You simply cannot overcome the floppiness."
I tried to bake a cake in one at Hana's when I was housesitting and I nearly spilled the cake mix when I tried to pick up the silicone baking pan, which of course bent with the weight of the mixture. I managed to get it onto a tin baking tray and cook it.
To top it off when it was cooked the entire cake was stuck the so-called non-stick silicone.
These products are such a gimmick, total WOFTAM

MB said...

"Jerry Mould" I love it, were the folks selling them Chinese or Japanese by any chance?

Paul said...

Hey - leave those poor harmless Shenzheners alone - In Shenzhen this kind of Chinglish is perfectly normal!