Thursday, 15 May 2008

Whacky Wax

Check out  Australia's - or probably the world's worst wax museum -  located at Surfers Paradise - or better still don't.
Annie went shopping while I went to check out this dud.
Fronted up to the counter where I was relieved of  $26.00 - which would have been $27.00 had I not flashed my coupon cut from a tourist brochure giving me an incredible $1.00 discount.
The reception area was dirty and in need of painting.
The guy behind the desk built me up to expect the greatest show on earth.
Going in through the leather padded door - probably bought at auction from the Pink Pussycat Club after it closed down in Sydney, felt like going into a grotty strip show, not that I'd know.
I don't think I've ever felt so ripped off.
The wax models were obviously superseded models from Madame Tussauds, some famous figures like Ghandi and Neil Armstrong and then other famous people like
Frank Whacker the inventor of the Whipper Snipper and Bill Cornstalk the inventor of the first electronic nose hair remover, and other people no one knows or have forgotten.
Picture taking is allowed in the celebrity section but not in the Chamber of Horrors as this is a guided tour - aw gee!
The guided tour turned out to be a real scream ( pun ) and certainly the highlight of the show.
I was part of a party? made up of me and a couple with three kids.
The guide was some sort of Dago with some weird accent, maybe from Latvia or somewhere. Anyway he did'nt have any sort of sense of humour.
The most amusing thing was I kept making what I thought were witty remarks regarding the displays and he just completely ignored me and talked right over me - God Bless I'm.
Anyhow had fun and got my money's worth. Exactly how I felt after visiting Windows of the World in Shenzen. 

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