Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Down and out in downtwn Mackay

I'm afraid it's hard to not be pessimistic about our stay in Mackay. We had to move to higher ground after this photo was taken.
Because of connection trouble we were not able to BLOG during the floods.
We are now down at Yeppoon. Annie will write a BLOG from here this evening.
Mackay as we said in our opinion (and I'm sure we're not the only ones) is a dismal town at the best of times, and it's amazing how an extended period of nil sunlight can dampen your spirits, not to mention tramping around in mud, being wet and with the van growing fungus.
About the only consolation we had we found at the Harrup Park Country Club. A really nice club.
We had a few drinks, a nice roast lamb lunch and Annie gave the pokies a bash, coming out in front.
We made a visit to the Mackay history museum,(open one day a week between 10 and 2) which ended in Steve walking out in disgust after being ear bashed relentlessly by a museum attendant. (Why can't they just leave you alone to enjoy the exhibits).
I remember Paul experiencing (and doing) the same thing at a little museum in the Towers.
We decided to make a dash for it on Tuesday morning come hell (or high water), so I will leave Annie to take up the story from there.

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