Tuesday, 15 September 2009


It does get better! Things are looking considerably tidier. Steve's daughter, Nicole has moved to number 2 house, which at the time these pics were taken was occupied. She and the two little ones, Jamaika and Indie, are now settled in their new home along the track. I will post some pics of the little girls when I can catch them.

Monday, 14 September 2009

The Big Move

Almost three weeks ago we loaded up and headed south to our new home, the" Hideaway''.
Anyone having seen the movie, The Fringe Dwellers, will  understand how I felt. Although we didn't have chooks on board, we had Harry the budgerigar who travelled well. He is not a very friendly bird and I was secretly hoping he might not last the distance. Travelling in convoy, I was following in Miss Magna and was able to keep the trailer in sight as the table legs were always in view, bouncing around on top of the load.