Saturday, 4 October 2008

World Animal Day

Today, Oct 5th is World Animal Day, a day we remember pets past and present.
I was disturbed to read an article in "The Tweed Shire Echo" September 25, "A giant planet hoves into view" by Mungo MacCallum.
I quote from this article "It used to be said that the Great Wall of China was the only human artefact large enough to be seen from the the moon.
Satellite observations have cast doubt on this idea, but in any case, the great wall has been superseded by a new contender: Malcolm Turnbull's ego"
A paragraph further in this article is and, again I quote: "Then there is the story of the cat, noted by the disgraced Canadian publisher Conrad Black in his memoirs and resurrected by Alan Ramsey in the Sydney Morning Herald last weekend: it is said that when Turnbull was ditched by a girlfriend in his student days, he took revenge by strangling her cat and leaving it on her doorstep. This may well be libel, although Turnbull has never taken action over its  publication. But the mere fact that many of his colleagues find it utterly convincing goes some way to explaining why they still have their doubts about entrusting him with their future"